The use of metal detection technologies brings the strong potential to lower inspection costs versus X ray while providing much of the same safety and quality assurance benefits. The technology behind and process of metal detection is an elementary system, providing an accessible means for companies to protect the integrity of their brand and company image.
Simple Science Behind Metal DetectionThe science and technology that makes metal detection occur effectively is a relatively easy process. Metal detection technology operates through the use of a transmitter and receiving coils in the scanning area of the device. The transmitter coil generates an electrical field within the detector, and the receiving coils scan that field for changes in magnetic or electrically conductive signals, which metals in products provide as they pass through the field.
Metal detectors have the ability to scan for all types of metals in products, magnetic (steel, iron) or non-magnetic (aluminum, Brass copper). The powerful technology inside metal detectors can also spot elusive stainless steels, such as types 316 and 304 commonly used in food production.
The Services Metal Detection can Provide
Metal detectors, like those produced by Fortress Technology, are commonly used in the quality and safety inspection of food products. These detectors can also perform safety scans of product in other industries, including the paper, pharmaceutical, plastics, rubber, textiles, lumber and bottling industries.
In the inspection of food products, the use of metal detectors is effective for quality assurance of both “dry” (non-conductive) and “wet” (conductive) foods. Non-conductive dry foods include frozen food, granola and cereal. Conductive foods include bread, meat and dairy products.
While dry products yield the most accurate inspection results, metal detector technology can also compensate for the conductivity of wet foods with good results depending on the amount of product being inspected and consistency within skews.
Metal detectors have the capability to compensate for “Product Effect” or the conductive properties of the product which cause changes in the electrical field. Product effect is determined by moisture, salt, acidity, temperature and mass. Product compensation through the use of sophisticated software greatly increases detector performance
In summary metal detectors are used for inspections of a wide range of food and non-food materials, including packaged and bulk products.
Models include systems to inspect the following:
- Pumped slurry, liquids, dairy, meat
- Free-flow dry products, such as flour, rice and sugar
- Web inspection of textiles, paper & rubber
- Small capsules, pellets or tablets
The Benefits of Metal Detection Technology
The benefits of owning and operating metal detectors in any production industry are both obvious and invaluable for business managers, one of which is the technology’s notable ease on budgets. They have a lower investment cost than X-ray systems, and have lower cost of ownership and operation due to 100% solid-state designs. (No X ray tubes to replace)
Savings do not come at a cost of quality, however, as metal detectors in dry product applications offer similar or improved performance at a fraction of the price. In wet product applications they compliment X ray technology by detecting metal pieces with large flat thin surface areas (Knife blades, washers etc) in any orientation (Angle) which is difficult for X ray.
Metal detectors and X ray are complementary technologies with the recommendation to use both technologies at various points in a production line.
In addition to quality inspection metal detectors meet HACCP requirements and offer many technical features and upgrades, including:
- Powerful high frequency solid state transmitter providing the highest sensitivity to nonferrous and nonmagnetic stainless steel stainless steel
- Tuned oscillator and input coils to increase resistance to electrical noise
- Intuitive operator interface – Operator controls accessible by a single keystroke
- High-density head fill unaffected by moisture and prevent false-positives resulting from by vibration
- USB & Ethernet ports providing automatic data logging and networking capabilities
Perhaps the greatest benefit of metal detection technology is the assurance it gives of the safety of products, and the safety of the consumers who will receive those products. Metal detectors work to maintain the integrity and quality of products, one of the most important factors in a products or business’s success.
Learn More about Metal Detection Technology
To learn more about metal detection technology, and the great accessibility and cost benefits it provides, visit our web page detailing the process or contact us directly.