In January of 2015, the British Retail Consortium (BRC) updated its Global Standard for Food Safety. This new standard, also known as issue 7, effectively replaced the old Issue 6 standard in July of 2015.
Plan Automation Technology Blog
Does Your Product Inspection Meet BRC Food Safety Issue 7 Standards?
Topics: X-Ray Inspection, Product Inspection, Food Product Inspection, Food Inspection, HACCP
Improving Product Traceability with X-Ray Product Inspection
Traceability is a major concern for food producers. Being able to track a contaminated package back to its point of origin is vital for minimizing future contamination risks and for narrowing down product recalls.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection, Product Inspection, Food Product Inspection, Food Inspection
Why Checkweighing is a Must-Have Feature for Your X-Ray Inspection
When one talks about x-ray inspection machines, the features that you usually hear the most about are the kind of scanner the x-ray uses (single or dual-energy), what kinds of contaminants it can detect, and how quickly it can scan product.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection, X Ray Inspection for Food, Food Inspection
Top 5 Food Safety Tips for Organic Food Production
Non-GMO, organic food is picking up in popularity among consumers, with many food producers doing everything they can to ensure that they can apply the “certified organic” label to their products.
To meet organic standards for plant-based products, they have to be free of any GMO modifications, and specific pesticides & fertilizers may not be used. Livestock also have to be fed specific diets and meet several other requirements regarding immunizations, exercise time, and more.
Topics: Product Safety, X-Ray Inspection, Food Safety and Quality Inspection, Food Inspection
Is 100% Contaminant Detection Possible? Preparing for Food Incidents
Every food manufacturer worries about contaminants in their products. Food safety incidents can create public relations nightmares that result in costly settlements, recalls, and loss of consumer confidence.
Topics: Product Safety, Product Inspection, Food Inspection, MDX
Food safety is an enormous concern for modern businesses. The reputation of your brand and the ability to make sales depends on how safe your products are.
Topics: Product Safety, X-Ray Inspection, Food Inspection, MDX
Minimizing Food Safety Risks for GFSI Certifications
Earning a Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI) certification is a major milestone for any company in the food industry. Meeting the rigorous safety standard isn’t always easy, but the rewards are often well worth the effort.
Topics: Product Safety, Food Inspection, GFSI Audits
Picking a Food Inspection Machine for Your Quality Assurance Program
Food safety and quality assurance are fundamental elements of success in modern markets. A single food safety incident can tarnish a company’s reputation, driving away business and crippling operations.
Topics: Product Quality, Food Inspection
Prevent a Poultry Emergency with X-Ray Inspection for Chicken
Any manufacturer handling raw meat products faces numerous challenges every day. Ensuring that all tools are sanitary, that workers are following sanitation guidelines, and that meat is free of contaminants is a full-time job.
Topics: Food Inspection
Eagle PI Weighs in on the Future of Food Industry X-Ray Inspection
A lot of companies in the food industry have to keep a careful eye on the horizon. With the constant introduction of new regulations, standards, and technologies, it’s easy to see why any packaged food company would be concerned about the future.
Topics: Food Inspection