Plan Automation Technology Blog

What Are the Benefits of Fat Analysis X-Ray Inspection?

Posted by Mat Bedard on Mon, Jul 14, 2014 @ 08:07 AM

Eagle FAMeasuring chemical lean (CL) and general fat content is one of the most necessary quality inspection processes of today’s meat manufacturers. Innovative dual energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DEXA) technologies have revolutionized how manufacturers handle these processes, and perform their fat analysis and inspection tasks.

As chemical lean and analysis figures are crucial to not only a meat product’s pricing, but also its quality, accuracy is of the utmost importance. Fortunately, X-Ray technologies, such as those produced by Eagle PI, significantly streamline how companies meet these quality standards.

The Importance of CL and Fat Analysis

As accurate chemical lean and fat measurements essentially determine a meat product’s pricing, most manufacturers rely on only X-Ray inspection technologies to meet these quality needs.

Traditionally, chemical lean measurements have been made by physically extracting fat from meat products, weighing these samples and making assumptions regarding entire products. Of course, these methods cannot determine fat content with the reliability major manufacturers require, and are often more time consuming than they seem. Plainly, traditional fat analysis methods don’t have the efficiency and accurate measurements that today’s meat manufacturers need.

This is where dual energy X-Ray absorptiometry (DEXA) technology plays an essential role; when it comes to food safety and quality inspection applications, there are no tools more efficient, versatile and practical than DEXA solutions.

DEXA technologies analyze meat products with both high and low energy x-rays, which, when combined, can accurately determine meat composition, fat content, bone and tissue presence. This dual energy approach isparticularly effective for meat inspection and fat analysis because they are not limited to meat types or consistencies. DEXA technologies can efficiently analyze uncooked, frozen, bulk , full cases, bone-in or bone-out trim as well as ground meats for fat content; there are no limits as to what kinds of meat DEXA solutions can efficiently analyze.

Benefits of DEXA in Fat Analysis Applications

Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry technologies (DEXA) are ideal for meat processing applications as they meet even the strictest food safety requirements; requirements which ensure that a company continues to produce safe and high quality products. Many meat manufacturers choose DEXA x-ray inspection technology for the guaranteed assurance it brings.

DEXA technologies scan every inch and section or a meat product for fat analysis, as opposed to the sampling methods of traditional analysis. When using conventional fat anaylsis technology, checking every bit of a meat product’s fat content seems impractical; with DEXA solutions, your full production can have their fat content and composition analyzed in an efficient, fast and affordable manner  which just makes sense when it comes to food production. When dealing with the safety of your products and integrity of your brand, cutting corners is not an option.

Manufacturers integrating DEXA inspection machines in their businesses can perform meat fat analysis tasks with unbeatable accuracy (CL precision 0.5% - 1%), where other methods and techniques fall short.  Overly fat, lean or otherwise unsatisfactory meat products, with chemical lean measurements outside set parameters, can completely disrupt major production lines, as well as cut fat claim revenue.

Fat Analysis and Your Brand

The innovative dual energy x-ray absorptiometry technology can provide meat processors and manufacturers the ability to eliminate product downgradings, and reduce recipe inconsistencies. By ensuring the safety and high quality of your food products, DEXA technologies ensure that not only your products remain top-notch, but also your brand image.

With adjustable, pre-classified trimmings, fat content can be seamlessly regulated, providing manufacturers with increased custom control over their fat analysis applications. Controlling chemical lean levels and fat content within meat products is a key requirement of any meat manufacturing business; with highly efficient DEXA technologies, companies can test their product CL levels and blended targets with an accuracy that traditional methods cannot match.

Perhaps the greatest benefit of DEXA technology is in how they automate the entire fat analysis process, providing meat product manufacturers with near instant results. Modern DEXA machines can analyze up to 160 tons of meat in one hour, while still providing incredibly accurate and reliable CL analysis readings. For packaged goods, these technologies can process and scan over 2,000 cartons in a single hour, making them wildly more efficient and cost effective than traditional technologies.

To learn more about what automated DEXA technologies can do for your company’s meat quality needs and fat analysis, or how using these technologies can help you maintain your brand image with customers, contact us today. 

How Safe is X Ray Inspection of Food - Plan Automation



Topics: Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Technologi, X Ray Inspection for Food, X Ray Inspection Technology, Eagle Pi, X Ray Inspection of Meat