How Safe is X-Ray Inspection of Food?
New White Paper Shatters Misconceptions About X-ray Inspection of Food
Some of the most popular misconceptions about x-ray inspection of food are tackled in a White Paper from METTLER TOLEDO - How Safe is X-ray Inspection of Food?, which can be downloaded free of charge. It is an indispensable white paper for food manufacturers who consider x-ray inspection to comply with food-safety regulations and legislations..

The paper answers some important questions for food manufacturers, including:
- Why use x-rays to inspect food?
- What are the effects of x-rays to flavors, textures and nutritional value of food?
- What is the difference between x-ray inspection and food irradiation?
- What is the difference between x-ray radiation and radioactivity? and
- How safe are x-ray systems used in the food industry?
The eight-page paper explains that, with food production lines getting faster and consumer expectations rising, manufacturers are under pressure to adopt high-speed and reliable methods of food inspection to ensure their products are safe. X-ray systems do just that, with exceptional detection of foreign bodies such as metals, glass, stone, bone, high-density plastics and rubber whilst being able to simultaneously perform a wide range of in-line quality checks
Despite this, some food manufacturers have still reservations about the adoption of x-ray inspection as a method of product inspection. They're worried that their staff will object to bringing x-rays into the workplace or that consumers might switch to other brands not subject to x-ray inspection.
The paper uses layman's terms to explain the principles behind x-ray inspection and how it can help food manufacturers comply with national and international regulations. Yes, people are right to be wary of radiation, but this white paper dispels a few myths and delivers some surprising facts.
- 1 Why Use X-rays to Inspect Food?
- 2 X-ray Radiation vs. Radioactivity
- 2.1 What are X-rays?
- 2.2 Radiation in Everyday Life
- 2.3 Putting Radiation Doses into Context
- 3 X-ray Inspection vs. Food Irradiation
- 4 X-ray Systems are Safe by Design
- 4.1 Protection Principles
- 4.2 Safety Regulations
- 4.3 Safety Design Features
- 5 Conclusion
- 6 Glossary
- 7 References