Matrix Packaging Machinery

Matrix Packaging Machinery is the industry-leading manufacturer of vertical form fill seal (v/f/f/s) packaging equipment. Since 1988 they have built a solid reputation for delivering rugged, well engineered, cost competitive, easy-to-use packaging systems backed by outstanding customer support.

Matrix has machines in operation throughout the world, handling a wide range of products in very diverse conditions. The driving force behind Matrix has been to deliver rugged, well engineered, cost competitive, easy-to-use packaging systems backed by outstanding customer support.

Matrix engineers are constantly focused on making packaging machines more rugged, versatile and easier to integrate with a wide range of feeding systems and peripheral equipment.

In 2010 Matrix had over 190 vertical form fill and seal machines installed around the world. 

For more information, please visit their website or you can contact us. We are here to help!

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