Meat producers have a dire need for accurate fat analysis in their meat products. The problem is that traditional testing solutions such as core sampling can easily suffer from sample bias.
Plan Automation Technology Blog
Fat Analysis: Core Sampling Vs. Inline X-Ray Fat Analysis for Meat Product
Topics: X-Ray Inspection, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Technologi, automation, Eagle Pi, X Ray Inspection of Meat
Why Checkweighing is a Must-Have Feature for Your X-Ray Inspection
When one talks about x-ray inspection machines, the features that you usually hear the most about are the kind of scanner the x-ray uses (single or dual-energy), what kinds of contaminants it can detect, and how quickly it can scan product.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection, X Ray Inspection for Food, Food Inspection
Top 5 Food Safety Tips for Organic Food Production
Non-GMO, organic food is picking up in popularity among consumers, with many food producers doing everything they can to ensure that they can apply the “certified organic” label to their products.
To meet organic standards for plant-based products, they have to be free of any GMO modifications, and specific pesticides & fertilizers may not be used. Livestock also have to be fed specific diets and meet several other requirements regarding immunizations, exercise time, and more.
Topics: Product Safety, X-Ray Inspection, Food Safety and Quality Inspection, Food Inspection
Using X-Ray Detectable Plastic and Rubber to Boost Food Safety
X-ray product inspection technology has advanced considerably since its initial inception. With the invention of dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) technology, the capabilities of x-ray technology were greatly expanded. No longer were x-ray systems reliant on just a grayscale snapshot of product contents—they could analyze materials by their chemical composition.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection, Dual Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DEXA) Technologi, detectable components
Food safety is an enormous concern for modern businesses. The reputation of your brand and the ability to make sales depends on how safe your products are.
Topics: Product Safety, X-Ray Inspection, Food Inspection, MDX
Performing Food Safety Management Gap Analysis for GFSI Certification
Meeting the requirements of the Global Food Safety Initiative’s (GFSI’s) optional certification can be very demanding. However, qualifying for GFSI certification can provide numerous benefits for businesses in the food industry, including:
Topics: X-Ray Inspection, Food Safety and Quality Inspection, GFSI Audits
X-Ray Inspection and Product Safety in Food Industries
For any packaged food manufacturer, product safety is of the utmost concern. When products are unsafe, they can create a public relations nightmare that can be difficult for any company to recover from.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection
Evaluating the Benefits of Automated X-Ray Inspection for Your Business
At this point, x-ray product inspection is a well-established technology with numerous benefits for processed food manufacturers throughout Canada and the U.S.A.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection
In the food industry, it’s becoming more and more important to make sure that products not only get made fast enough to keep up with demand, but to ensure that these products are free of defects that could harm or upset consumers.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection
What You Can Do to Stop Production Equipment Contamination
For any packaged food company, production equipment contamination can be a nightmare. Whether it’s metal shavings falling into food mixers, or pens getting dropped onto a conveyor belt carrying loose-packed ingredients, product contamination is bad news.
Topics: X-Ray Inspection